Chemical data for F - Fluorine |


Atomic Number: 9
Atomic Weight: 18.998403
Element Type: Halogen
Crystal Structure: Cubic Face Centered
Melting Point: -219.62°C = -363.316°F = 53.53 K
Boiling Point: -188.12°C = -306.616°F = 85.03 K
Critical Temp: -129.02°C = -200.236°F = 144.13 K
Atomic Radius: 0.57 Å (Å = Angstrom = 10-10 m)
Covalent Radius: 0.72 Å
Electronegativity: 3.98


(L. and F. fluere, flow or flux) In 1529, Georigius Agricola described the use offluorspar as a flux, and as early as 1670 Schwandhard found that glass was etched whenexposed to fluorspar treated with acid. Scheele and many later investigators, includingDavy, Gay-Lussac, Lavoisier, and Thenard, experimented with hydrofluoric acid, someexperiments ending in tragedy.

The element was finally isolated in 1866 by Moissan after nearly 74 years of continuouseffort.
